Solve Engagement 

Tools, Resources, & Workshops for Managers

Why Do People Engage, Develop, and Stay?

Build capabilities so that 100% of your managers care, connect, and take action with every person on the real drivers that make a "difference" for each individual to engage, perform at their best, and creates a place they want to stay.

Schedule a call to learn more

E N G A G E M E N T :

Why Do People Engage, Develop, and Stay?

Build capabilities so that 100% of your managers care, connect, and take action with every person on the real drivers that make a "difference" for each individual to engage, perform at their best, and creates a place they want to stay.

Schedule a call to learn more

Key Engagement Results Leader/Managers Achieve:  

1 of 2

"Somewhat Engaged" individuals will move
to the "Engaged" level within 6 months.


of New Hires engage and stay. 


of the organization is "Engaged" and "Somewhat Engaged" individuals choose to improve or leave. 


Unexpected Departures due to the elimination
of top turnover causes and
improvement actions.


of Managers communicate effectively with their talent to eliminate burnout, address stressors, and continuously align life and work.

Key Engagement Results For Leader/Managers:  

1 of 2

"Somewhat Engaged" individuals will move to the "Engaged" level within 6 months.


of New Hires engage and stay. 


of the organization is "Engaged" and
"Somewhat Engaged" individuals choose to improve or leave.


Unexpected Departures due to the elimination of top turnover causes and focused improvement.


of Managers communicate effectively with their talent to eliminate burnout, address stressors, and continuously align life and work.

Build Powerful Leaders

Drive Individual Performance - delivering strong Organization Results - creating Long term Success

TALENT Impact Workshop 

Modules are organized into sections that explore the four Core Capabilities needed to engage, develop, and retain every individual. Leaders identify how engaged their individuals currently are, and then use the TALENT Drivers to outline what's working, and what needs improvement.  Leaders then use our solutions to begin taking action as they help individuals take the lead to make meaningful changes within the organization. 

Download Workshop Overview

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TALENT Impact Workshop 


Modules are organized into sections that explore the four Core Capabilities needed to engage, develop, and retain every individual. Leaders identify how engaged their individuals currently are, and then use the TALENT Drivers to outline what's working, and what needs improvement.  Leaders then use our solutions to begin taking action as they help individuals take the lead to make meaningful changes within the organization. 

Download Workshop Overview

Email will only be used to send workshop overview.


Setting the Stage

1) Talent Direction
Leaders review how Individual Performance creates Organization Results, leading to long-term Organization Success. 

2) Understand Engagement Levels
Leaders review the 4 Levels of Engagement and determine what individuals do at those levels, what results are achieved, how individuals are various levels impact others, and what percent of the organization is in each level. 


Setting the Stage

1) Talent Direction
Leaders review how Individual Performance creates Organization Results, leading to long-term Organization Success. 

2) Understand Engagement Levels
Leaders review the 4 Levels of Engagement and determine what individuals do at those levels, what results are achieved, how individuals are various levels impact others, and what percent of the organization is in each level. 


Care and Know the Real Drivers

3) Leaders Care
Leaders actively show that they care about each person and assess themselves on the "Show You Care Actions."

4) Most Critical Needs
Leaders use the TALENT Drivers to understand that each person has a set of “most critical” needs that determine how they engage, perform, develop, and want to stay.

5) TALENT Driver Impact Areas
Leaders explore how each TALENT Driver makes an impact on Performance, Development, Decision to Stay, and implementing Strategic Initiatives/Goals.

6) TALENT Driver Current Situation
Leaders learn how to use the TALENT Drivers with individuals to outline how their important drivers are currently going within their work situation. 

Get A Free Deck of TALENT Drivers

Care and Know
the Real Drivers

3) Leaders Care
Leaders actively show that they care about each person and assess themselves on the "Show You Care Actions."

4) Most Critical Needs
Leaders use the TALENT Drivers to understand that each person has a set of “most critical” needs that determine how they engage, perform, develop, and want to stay.

5) TALENT Driver Impact Areas
Leaders explore how each TALENT Driver makes an impact on Performance, Development, Decision to Stay, and implementing Strategic Initiatives/Goals.

6) TALENT Driver Current Situation
Leaders learn how to use the TALENT Drivers with individuals to outline how their important drivers are currently going within their work situation. 

Get A Free Deck of TALENT Drivers

Connect and Take Action

7) Leaders Connect 
Individuals and Leaders connect to create “fit” needed to thrive within life and at work, perform at their best, and create a place they want to stay. 

8) One-to-One Dialogue Improvement Plan 
Leaders engage in the One-to-One Dialogue with each individual to determine what is important, why it's important, and what actions will be taken (by the individual and leader) to make meaningful changes. 

9) Leaders Take Action 
When an individual gains CLARITY and SHARES important needs with their leader that CARES and CONNECTS, impactful ACTIONS are easy to see.


Connect & Take Action

7) Leaders Connect 
Individuals and Leaders connect to create “fit” needed to thrive within life and at work, perform at their best, and create a place they want to stay. 

8) One-to-One Dialogue Improvement Plan 
Leaders engage in the One-to-One Dialogue with each individual to determine what is important, why it's important, and what actions will be taken (by the individual and leader) to make meaningful changes. 

9) Leaders Take Action 
When an individual gains CLARITY and SHARES important needs with their leader that CARES and CONNECTS, impactful ACTIONS are easy to see.

MODULES 10-12:

Making an Impact

10) Respond to Make an Impact
Leaders learn the three types of responses to deal with various work situations: Take Action, Involve Others, and Manage Expectations.

11) Talent Plan to make an Impact
Leaders outline their Talent Plan using our framework to guide taking action to make a real impact on “most critical needs” that cause individuals to engage, develop and creates a place they want to stay. 

12) Leader Capabilities Test
Leaders assess how they are doing on various capabilities surrounding connection, action, and making an impact. 

MODULES 10-12:

Making an Impact

10) Respond to Make an Impact
Leaders learn the three types of responses to deal with various work situations: Take Action, Involve Others, and Manage Expectations.

11) Talent Plan to make an Impact
Leaders outline their Talent Plan using our framework to guide taking action to make a real impact on “most critical needs” that cause individuals to engage, develop and creates a place they want to stay. 

12) Leader Capabilities Test
Leaders assess how they are doing on various capabilities surrounding connection, action, and making an impact. 


TALENT Drivers

Engagement and Retention Cards® help managers and individuals identify the key drivers impacting performance, engagement, development, retention, and the drivers impacting implementing strategic initiatives to achieve goals.

Each person has a set of “most critical” needs, which when achieved within their current work situation causes them to engage, perform at their best, develop, and want to stay at the organization.

Get a deck of TALENT Drivers

TALENT Drivers

Engagement and Retention Cards® help managers and individuals identify the key drivers impacting performance, engagement, development, retention, and the drivers impacting implementing strategic initiatives to achieve goals.

Each person has a set of “most critical” needs, which when achieved within their current work situation causes them to engage, perform at their best, develop, and want to stay at the organization.

Get a FREE deck of TALENT Drivers


Workshop Certification

  • Using Internal resources can decrease the costs
    to train Managers and Individuals by 50%. 

  •  Internal resources know the company culture and
    make it easy to coach participants after the workshop.

  • Build internal capabilities needed to deliver Talent Results
    and drive sustainable organization performance.

Learn more about Workshop Certification 


Workshop Certification


Using Internal resources can decrease the costs to train Managers and Individuals by 50%. 

Internal resources know the company culture and make it easy to coach participants after the workshop.

Build internal capabilities needed to deliver Talent Results and drive sustainable organization performance.

Learn more about Workshop Certification